Illnesses & Diseases.


Besides keeping a clean and safe environment for your rabbit, learning to recognize signs of poor health will help you prevent disease outbreak in your rabbitry or home. Early recognition of health problems will help you contact a vet as soon as you notice symptoms, treat the rabbit as quickly as possible or you’ll be able to quickly isolate a sick animal before disease has a chance to spread to the rest of the rabbits. It is important to observe and handle your rabbits regularly so that you can detect potential problems quickly. Some health problems you may be able to diagnose and resolve on your own, but other health problems may be more complicated and require a veterinarian. If you are not sure what the problem is or if your rabbit is experiencing a lot of discomfort do not hesitate to call a rabbit savvy vet. There are many diseases and conditions that can affect rabbits; a few of the more common ones are described below. You are encouraged to continue with your own research to develop a complete knowledge of rabbit diseases and parasites.

Ear Mites.

Cause: Caused by the non-burrowing parasite Psoroptes cuniculiis. Infestation of outer ear with ear mites.

Symptoms: Brownish scabs in the ear canal. Scratching at the ears, shaking of the head.

Treatment: Treat with an insecticide, orally or topically. Repeat treatments may be necessary.

Fur Mites.

Cause: Can come from hay or from another infected rabbit or area. Fur mites, most likely to be found on the back and neck. Fur mites do not burrow into the skin.

Symptoms: Reddened scaly skin, intense itching and scratching with some loss of hair.

Treatment: Treat with an insecticide such as ivermectin. Some cat flea products may work (Revolution). Thorough cleaning of the environment is essential.

Mange Mites.

Cause: Mange mites, burrow into the skin.

Symptoms: Wounds, first on the lips and nose. Heavy scratching, loss of fur, scabs.

Treatment: Treat with an insecticide, surface treatment of wounds may also be necessary. Consider veterinary consultation. Thorough cleaning of the environment is essential.



Parasites are a common problem in rabbits. Both internally and externally, rabbits can be plagued with a host of parasites which may go unnoticed for extended periods of time. Often, the only indication that there may be a parasite problem is that the animal is not gaining weight as it should, has runny stools, or has a dull fur coat or if you notice excessive signs of itching or scratching and infertility. The best course of action against parasites is always prevention through proper sanitation and sound management practices.




Cause: Caused by directly eating the contaminated feces of another infected rabbit. Microscopic protozoan (single cell) parasites attack the liver and/or the intestinal lining.

Symptoms: Diarrhea, weight loss, pot- bellied appearance, poor condition. Can lead to death.

Treatment: Use of a coccidiocide on a regular basis. Prevention through proper sanitation is key.


Intestinal Worms.


Cause: Various types of worms (pin worm, tape worm...etc).

Symptoms: Difficult to detect. Poor condition, slow growth rate. Occasionally possible to see worms in the droppings. Recommended to deworm your rabbit every few months.

Treatment: Use of a wormer, consult vet as not all products are suitable for rabbits and not all products eliminate all types of worms.




Cause: Botfly.

Symptoms: Swelling or isolated lump around the shoulders (similar to an abscess).

Treatment: Parasite must be removed. Seek veterinary assistance.

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General Conditions

Rabbits are susceptible to a great variety of conditions brought on by an equally great variety of causes. The lists of causes, symptoms and treatments below should not be viewed as complete. If you suspect your rabbit is experiencing health problems please do further research on your own or consult a professional before you begin treatment.


Hutch Burn.

Cause: Poor sanitation, wet cages. Splash of urine off of incorrectly placed urine guards.

Symptoms: Chapping and inflammation of the genitals.

Treatment: Apply antibiotic cream. Ensure proper sanitation.



(expresses itself in 3 forms)

1. Snuffles

2. Hemorrhagic Septicemia

3. Abscesses

Cause: Pasteurella sp. organism. Seems to be further induced by stress.

Symptoms: Sneezing, nasal discharge, poor condition, difficulty breathing. Pot-bellied, diarrhea, respiratory distress. Lumps, usually around the head and neck.

Treatment: No specific treatment. Reduce stress, improve ventilation, administer antibiotic to prevent secondary infection. Drain abscesses, treat with antibiotics. Seek veterinary assistance.

Sore Hocks.

Cause: Thin fur covering on feet, long toenails, rough cage floor.

Symptoms: Loss of fur on bottom of feet. Red, dry, ulcerated foot pads. Rabbit may be reluctant to walk.

Treatment: Antibiotic ointment may help. Provide a solid surface in the cage for rabbits to rest on.



Cause: Bacterial infection of the lungs.

Symptoms: Quick laboured breathing with nose held high. Blush colour to lips and ears. Lungs congested.

Treatment: Antibiotics effective if administered early.


Cause: Fungal infection. Ring- worm can be transmit- ted to other types of animals and to humans.

Symptoms: Crusty, circular shaped patches which appear in areas on the rabbit’s face or feet. Hair loss will occur.

Treatment: Treat rabbits with fungicidal cream or lotion. Be sure to disinfect cage, feeders, free roam areas & toys.


Ear Infection.

 Cause: The size and many folds of skin within their ears, even the smallest build up of dirt can lead to bacterial growth, making them particularly prone to inflammation and infection.

Symptoms: Head tilt, loss of appetite, behavior changes, discomfort, grinding their teeth, cold-like symptoms and discharge.

Treatment: Your vet will prescribe a course of antibiotics to treat bacterial ear infections and they may also recommend anti-inflammatories. X-rays may sometimes be necessary to check for build up.


Cause: Inherited condition. Occasionally can be due to accidental tooth breakage.

Symptoms: Elongated upper or lower teeth. May prevent the animal from eating.

Treatment: Clipping of teeth is a temporary solution.


Wry Neck/Head Tilt.

Cause: Bacterial infection leading to inflammation of the middle ear.

Symptoms: Turning of the head to one side, loss of balance.

Treatment: Ear drops, consult veterinarian.


Weepy Eye.

Cause: Inflammation of the conjunctiva usually because of a blocked eye duct.

Symptoms: Discharge from the eye. Matted fur around the eye.

Treatment: Eye drops, consult veterinarian for type. Help may be needed to open eye duct.