Solid Black Magpie Doe.


Magpies are quickly becoming one of the most desirable colors in Holland Lops but are not a showable color.

“The Japanese brindling gene is responsible for magpies, harlies and tris. It basically creates a striped/ block effect (or mottled in the case of tris) This gene sits on the E Locus. A brief explanation of the Locus below. The E series very simply governs the distribution of black (or what ever color is being displayed in its place ie blue, choc, lilac)”

Solid black magpie doe.

Solid black magpie buck.

7 day old solid black, lilac & chocolate magpies.

SHL’s homegrown broken chocolate magpie buck.

SHL’s homegrown broken chocolate magpie buck.

Broken black magpie buck.

Broken black magpie buck.

Broken chocolate magpie buck.

Broken chocolate magpie buck.


Broken Magpies.

To get a “broken”, at least one of the parents must be broken. The gene for broken colors is Enen, meaning that a broken patterned rabbit has a white coat with a “broken up” color on it.

Newborn solid & broken magpie kits. (From left to top right: solid black magpie, broken chocolate magpie, solid chocolate magpie & solid blue magpie.)

Newborn solid & broken magpie kits.

(From left to top right: solid black magpie, broken chocolate magpie, solid chocolate magpie & solid blue magpie.)

Broken black magpie buck.

Broken black magpie buck.