Caring For Your Bunny


Explore what your buns diet should look like, and find our recommendations on hay, grass, pellets, supplements, and rabbit safe fruits & veggies!

General Health & Grooming

Grooming, and taking care of your bunny’s health can be stressful! Check out our guide to grooming, litter box training, spaying and neutering, and other general health tips to keep your rabbit stimulated and healthy, so they can live their best life!

Cages & Setups

Holland lops need enough space to stretch, stand up, run, lay down, fully sprawl out, & hop daily! Many bunnies are forgotten about & left in cages their whole lives. Leaving a bunny without free roam can cause them to become stinky, depressed, obese, create sore hocks, or cause poor health & shorten lifespan. Choosing the right setup for you bunny will help them lead a happy & healthy life!

Get to know your bunny and its personality. Find out what all the thumping is about!

Learn more about bunny genotypes & phenotypes.

Find a rabbit safe Exotic Vet in your area!

Find resources here for rehoming rabbits!

If you purchased a bunny from us & are looking to rehome, please contact us directly first.